Matteo Renzi, Head of the Italian Government, has had an enthusiastic response regarding the SMARTCIM project, the integrated system, unique in the world, which monitors and remotely regulates heating/cooling plants, allowing to reduce the buildings management expenses and, consequently, reduce the harmful emissions in the atmosphere.
«When we try to imagine the future, and not simply wait for it, our Nation is able to win the innovation challenge». This is what the Premier said while visiting the Cimberio plant in Pogno, in the province of Novara.
He was welcomed by Roberto Cimberio, CEO of the company, who explained: «This project is so advanced that, when we submitted it in Bruxelles, we found ourselves immediately at one with the objectives of the European Community, so much that the Commission decided to invest with us, through the Horizon 2020 Programme».
After a tour in the Manufacturing Department of the factory, Matteo Renzi said: «The country is of those who do something every day to be important for his own family and for the others. This is Italy which functions, which accepts the challenges, the one of all the Small and Large companies, as Cimberio, which want to demonstrate that we can succeed».
For Renzo Cimberio, President of the company, it was an excellent opportunity for underlining the importance of the Made in Italy, value and guarantee of the quality recognized worldwide. «Made in Italy means believe in our country without delocalisation. It is not only quality but even the capacity to lead to a very high level of technology and creativity.
Alberto Caprari, President of ANIMA, has underlined the value of SMARTCIM: «Italy is a leader in energetic efficiency, an important issue for our country, because there is a substantial building heritage to retrofit».
SMARTCIM progect is currently entering the experimental stage: tests take palce/the system is being tested in the building which hosts the technicians and researchers in the Norwegian Space Research Center, on Andoya island, above the Arctic Circle. Roberto Cimberio added: «The first results of the tests are particularly promising. We expect to obtain for this building, savings higher than 30% of the energy and management costs».
Production and marketing will begin regularly in June 2017.